Hallo, guys!
a barbecue at home and "mamorrrrrr"(my beloved)
This is my second post in english, welcoming to this country all visitor from abroad !
We, brazilians don't have that Strong backpack spirit. We are mostly tour agency group travelers, but that is going to change (with my and your help).
I usually say people are alike everywhere, but I must admit we are more caring and charming than many other peoples I've met or heard of.
Brazilians are quite worried about their impression in other peoples and try to do their best in order to make the foreigner feel at home. Be certain we'll make you try all kinds of food and force you to say everything taste really good (it really is good most of the time). I'm talking about uncompromised people from Brazil, not hired to work for tourists, right?! Goodwilling people that want to make you feel fine and cared about while you're in this country. If you are american you'll probably have that feeling that it is over protection. And it really is! Try to be nice when you tell us that you don't need all that attention. We are very touchy in this matter. Our only and unique intention is to be kind and make you guys feel comfortable.
This is "lampião and Maria Bonita"
We will try to speak the language of the angels to help a traveler and will make the impossible to take you wherever you want to go. Funny is that we don't usually do the same to our people.
If we start yelling at you in portuguese, just laugh and say "não sou surdo, só não entendo" (i'm not deaf, i just don't understand!) and we will try to mime. HAHAHHA!
Anyways, the world cup is coming and you should know that our restaurants (everywhere) are not prepared to receive you guys, so make suggestions (as i do) to restaurant webpages to put pictures on the menu, because our waiters will not be able to learn several languages in what? 2 years?
"This is fierce Pandora"
I have already told you guys not to walk and look like you are tourists. Don't walk downtown São Paulo with your big ben wrist watch, please" You are asking to be robbed.
Traffic is really hectic in Brasil, being more well educated(...) in the southeast and South. Anyways, don't think you'll put a foot on the crossing sign and people will stop. They'll probably honk, swear or just stop suddenly, almost giving you the pleasure of doing a triple turn through the air.
With some "cachaça" in our heads
Here in Brazil the new (urgh!!) fad is carioca Funk. You'll listen to it everywhere. As you are just a traveler you'll think it's weird, or fun, or simply different. If you want to know what some brazilians feel like, imagine you, on the country you live in having to put up with something you don't like everyday and against your will. Yeah! That's it! you got it.
Here you make friends easily, and they will ask a lot about you, your life, your Family. That's the way we are. And soon you'll meet the friends of our friends because everybody wants to be friends with a person from abroad. That's a story to tell for your whole life. You'll be like an exotic being for some time until we realize you are JUST LIKE US! A Simple human looking for what the world has to offer and teach and quantify in your soul. This is cool, hey?
Well, we drink a lot of beer and like to try new brands. Most of us like fish, but a nice steak is all we are always wishing for. not many of us are vegeterians, but there are some superbe restaurantes for vegans, macrobiotics and vegetarians, so, enjoy!
GFor breakfast we have "french" bread, Strong coffee with milk(usually) and some fruit or cake or cookies. Well, I think we eat a lot of good junk in the morning.
We like to make jokes that other peoples don't understand. Mostly because of the versatility of portuguese, but if you are British, for instance, maybe you get it if you think of "Blackadder". Si vous êtes français, peut être "les inconnus". Italians make lots of jokes , but the thing is, that not everything here is precise and exactly as it should be. It's like we always have to have a plan "b". (not always, of course). We find solutions for lots of things because people who were supposed to resolve things (like politicians and the government) don't do their Jobs. So we happily do things our way. This is also changing, thanks to our brains!!!
The lighthouse built with rubber rats and "NO LIGHT", representing the underworld of dirt that we have in São Paulo

My good friends from all over, my great friends backpackers, we are waiting for your visit and ask whatever you wish if I can be of any help. I'm simply not a couchsurfer because I live in a so off the track place (Louveira city, in the country side - 60 km from São Paulo city) that the only pleasure you'll have here is being with me, Pandora and my beloved.
Anyways, you're all welcome!!!
Cheers, Salut, Ciao, Bueno, Valle! Tchuss!
V for Verônica